‘I am not prepared for life’ – Millennials blame their boomer parents for not teaching them how to be responsible adults

A discussion on an online platform has unveiled a shared sentiment among millennials regarding their upbringing by baby boomer parents, specifically highlighting a perceived lack of preparedness for adult life.

The conversation, initiated by a 38-year-old woman on Reddit in January, reflects on personal experiences and seeks input from others on how they were prepared for life’s challenges.

Reflecting on her upbringing, the initiator of the discussion noted, “When I reflect on how I was parented, I don’t remember my parents ever giving me any type of life advice.”

She said her parents did not teach her to save money or to appreciate the swift passing of time, particularly regarding education and personal growth. Her story resonates with a broader experience among millennials, where parental guidance on practical life skills was minimal or absent.



Article URL : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/am-not-prepared-life-millennials-150011198.html