A Trifecta of Media Corruption: Ronna McDaniel/NBC, Kara Swisher/Big Tech, & Andrew Huberman/New York Mag

Tonight: there’s quite an uproar taking place at both NBC News and MSNBC. Apparently, they are convinced that they are some sort of real news network and, as a result, many of their on-screen personalities are expressing serious rage in offense over the hiring by NBC of former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who is better known as the niece of Mitt Romney. According to these giants of journalism people such as Chuck Todd and Joe Scarborough, the mere presence of someone on their airwaves who was even linked to Donald Trump, who happens to be the person leading all polls to be elected as president of the United States in 2024, would sully this network’s reputation for objective and high-minded news. Worse, they say, it would infuriate their liberal viewers who are very unaccustomed to hearing any dissent from the Democratic Party and would feel deeply uncomfortable if they were exposed to any views that made them feel like they weren’t being agreed with.

This is the same august news outlet that is the one that currently employs former Bush-Cheney spokeswoman Nicolle Wallace, former CIA Director John Brennan, Joy Reid— Reid – who has a 7 pm show every night on MSNBC, even though got caught fabricating an elaborate lie about a time-traveling hacker who authored the bigoted blog posts under her name – and as many former agents and operatives of the U.S. Security State as one might found at a Proud Boy rally or a civil war somewhere.

…MSNBC or, in particular, NBC still has to pretend, given that it’s a network, that they’re something other than a Democratic Party activist group. They, unlike MSNBC, still have to pretend that they’re a real news organization and that they can’t just go around hiring Democratic Party operatives, or only Republicans who agree to spend all their time attacking Donald Trump as they condition for getting on air. Occasionally, they have to give some airtime to somebody who at least minimally represents the views of 50% of the country, or at least the voting public, which says that they intend to vote for Donald Trump for president. You have this bizarre imbalance where outside of Fox, every major media corporation employs huge numbers of people to write op-eds on their op-ed pages, to speak on their television networks and their cable news networks, all of them, with very few exceptions, almost none, reject the political views and the political ideology of 50% of the country, meaning they hate Donald Trump. They think his movement is insurrectionary and is a criminal movement. And so, you have this gigantic imbalance in the views of the American people, on the one hand, and the perspectives of the largest media corporations on the other offer. And this was a very minimal attempt to try to recalibrate, to try to offer a tiny little bit of balance by finding one of the meekest and most malleable and least ideologically fervent Republican figures in Roddy McDaniel, to become a voice of NBC News that occasionally appears on NBC programming.

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Article URL : https://greenwald.locals.com/post/5441106/a-trifecta-of-media-corruption-ronna-mcdaniel-nbc-kara-swisher-big-tech-andrew-huberman-new-yor