Over Two-Thirds of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of the Southern Border, New Poll Finds

Wide swaths of the American electorate are unhappy with how President Joe Biden is managing record levels of illegal immigration across the southern border, new polling from the Associated Press indicates.

Over two-thirds, 68 percent of Americans, disapprove of how Biden is handling immigration compared to 31 percent who approve, according to a poll taken in late March by the AP and NORC. A slight majority, 56 percent of Democrats approve of Biden’s handling of immigration, a far greater number than the 20 percent of independents and 9 percent of Republicans in support of Biden’s immigration policy.

Nearly half, 48 percent, blame President Biden for the border crisis, and 46 percent put blame on congressional Democrats. Congressional Republicans were also blamed by 41 percent of voters and 35 percent blamed former president Donald Trump.

Immigration is important or very important personally to 58 percent of adults, and 62 percent believe immigrants have had a major impact on the country at large over the past five years. A smaller number, 29 percent, say immigrants have impacted their communities in a major way.