NBC Sounds Alarm as Trump Trounces Biden on Inflation, Fitness, and Competence

Donald Trump leads Joe Biden for a third straight NBC News national poll, 46 percent to 44 percent, and has a substantial lead over the incumbent in several key metrics. These include the public’s view of who has the stronger record, who is more mentally and physically fit for the presidency, and who would handle a crisis and issues such as inflation better. NBC journalists are sounding the alarm, calling the findings a “clear liability” for Biden.

Trump’s lead over Biden is strongest on dealing with inflation and the cost of living, at 22 points. This reflects separate polling that found 75 percent of Americans believe the cost of living is getting worse, with most people in this bloc favoring Trump over Biden. Similarly, Trump is favored by voters who believe their income is average, below average, or far below average. Biden is only favored by voters who believe their income is above average or far above average.

Trump also leads Biden by 19 points in terms of mental and physical fitness for office, by 11 points on general competence and effectiveness, by seven points on having a strong record of accomplishment, and by four points on crisis management.

“Who has the strong record as president? … Trump is outpacing Biden on that front… Necessary mental and physical health. We asked this four years ago. It was a wash. It’s now a clear liability for Joe Biden. So these are all troubling numbers for Biden,” commented Steve Kornacki, a senior NBC and MSNBC correspondent.