OK, you got me.
I’ve been an atheist for 30 years, but after participating in this forum for the past few years, you have persuaded me that I don’t want to go to hell. I’m not clear on what hell is, but there’s seems to be agreement on one point: it’s not pleasant. So I’m sure I don’t want to go there.
Also, I’ve heard God is love, and I’m all in on love. Jesus teaches us to love God with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind. And to love our neighbor as ourselves. More love: sign me up.
I don’t want to do this wrong. After all, my eternal soul is on the line. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Having put my soul in jeopardy for the past 30 years was bad enough. I want to get it right this time.
So one question still plagues me: Catholic or Protestant? According to one CM here, “Catholics are not Christians.” According to another, “Catholics are the only true Christians.” I find this perplexing. Jesus came to save my soul, but my redemption still seems anything but certain. It seems to me, I still have a 50% chance of getting it wrong and going to hell, even though I’m committed to avoiding that fate.
I’m aware Satan is the deceiver, so I’m guessing he is at work in either the Protestant or the Catholic Church, leading the flock to think they are following the correct path. But how can I tell which is which? I’m asking for your help: How can I determine which is the correct route to Jesus? Please, don’t let me down.