AI arguments against God

This religious channel seems to be dominated by atheists. So I checked with AI about the top arguments against God and this is what I found. It appears that most of these arguments are based on One of the earliest uses of the trilemma formulation is that of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, rejecting the idea of an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God (as summarised by David Hume): If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful. If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good.

So the argument about evil seems to be contradictory because Classic atheistic philosophy doesn’t believe in objective good or evil. They have no justification for what is good or what is evil. Their argument is based on what they feel or what they think the consensus is throughout humanity or what produces the least amount of harm. But there’s a huge problem with that. If we look at the current anti-Semitism that we see on college campuses and then go back 10 years there is a completely different attitude towards this. Or we could look at the issue of life whereas 100 years ago the idea of killing innocent unborn human life would be abhorrent yet today it’s something to be protected.

Within Christianity, we have a foundation for what is good or evil.

For instance, if we take an analogy with cold it could be said that cold is not a thing but in absence of something. There is an absolute zero (-459.67°F ) to which you can’t add any more cold to lower that temperature. You can always add more heat, theoretically. So cold is the absence of heat just like evil is the absence of good/God.

So the further you get away from God the more you will find evil which makes evil a product of free choice. Without God, there would be no evil because you would have nothing to compare it to.

When I asked AI why there is good here is what was returned: AI Overview

According to Christianity, God created the world to be good and intended humans to do good as well. However, God also gave humans free will, which means they can choose to do the opposite of good, or evil. Some say that free will is necessary for a world to exist where humans can truly love God and each other and that it also creates the potential for both good and evil.

That would bring up the problem of injustice which opens up a can of worms for atheists because there has to be a standard for justice for there to be injustice. So the answer to this objection ties in with the answer of why is there evil.

And if we asked the question why is there pain? Then that also ties into the discussion we’ve already had.

AI Overview

Pain is a natural response to injury or illness that helps us survive. When you’re injured, your body’s pain receptors, called nociceptors, release chemicals that travel to your spinal cord and brain, which interprets it as pain. This triggers a biological and psychological response to stop the action and start the healing process. For example, if you touch a hot stove, your body feels pain and instinctively pulls away. Pain can also alert you to harmful changes in your body, like cancer.

As you read this there is a beneficial purpose for pain. But there are other types of pain like what people experience in war or natural disasters. But there is a direct line from war to men acting with evil intent thus we get back to why is there evil.

Maybe the question should be why do you reject good i.e. God?

What evil in the world do you see that would not be resolved by doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? (Matthew 7:12)

What evil or pain in the world could not be resolved by following Romans 12:20?


John Keefe

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