Trans woman wants uterus transplant so she can be first ever to have abortion

A transgender woman announced that she wants a uterus transplanted into her body just so she can abort it.

The unidentified person is seen in a resurfaced clip that has gone viral again and caused even more outrage the second time around as the internet couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

In the clip, the trans woman says she want to be the guinea pig as far as uterus implants go — “ovaries and eggs included.”

She continued: “I will let a doctor cut the organs out of a willing, healthy, trans-masculine donor, place them in my body, I will devote myself heart and soul to their after-care.”

She detailed that she will have “as much gay sex as it takes with as many trans women as it takes and let the transphobes and homophones scratch their heads wondering what to make of it and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion.”