‘Nuttin Butt Azz’ basketball tournament canceled at Newark HS after wild video of women twerking in thongs outrages board members

A sexually charged promotional video of women twerking in thongs in a New Jersey high school gym got the school board hot and bothered — with some members calling it “appalling” and “disgusting.”

The raunchy footage, filmed to promote a celebrity basketball tournament dubbed “Nuttin’ But Azz,” features women bending over chairs and shaking their thong-clad booties in slow motion as hip hop blasts at West Side High School in Newark.

The phrase “Rough Riders” — the school’s mascot— can be seen printed on a wall in the background.

A man dressed like a referee then appears on screen, proclaiming, “We’re giving out $10,000 to the best team out of four teams.”


Willie Wanker

Article URL : https://nypost.com/2024/06/20/us-news/wild-video-of-women-twerking-in-thongs-at-nj-high-school-outrages-board-members/