Does it seem like there’s nowt left to say?

There are many here who affirm, to one degree or another, to the basic notion that a particular collection of “holy texts” should be considered, at least in some mysterious way, connected to the entity that created, so the worldview has it, everything.

Only trouble is… not a one of you is prepared to stand and deliver on any evidence or cogent argument in defence of the proposal that the text X (📒) is (inspired of)(part of the essence of)(the direct word of) (⇔) the divinity Y(❓). Why should X be related to Y? X⇔Y? Torah⇔YHWH? NT⇔Christ? Qur’an⇔Allah? BOM⇔Christ? ACIM⇔Christ? 📒⇔❓

If y’all say that it’s “true for you”, and it’s “just my faith”, I suppose there’s little else to say. If the best you can say is “try it for yourself, then you’ll know too”, you’ll forgive me for not being terribly interested in your kind offer.

Would any of you care to take a jab at some demonstration that some deity or another took some part in the authorship game?
Or is that just something childer should learn to take on faith?