Republicans are heading into the presidential campaign with the wind at their backs, and it’s not because of Joe Biden’s mental incapacity or even Donald Trump’s courageous, fist-pumping response to a would-be assassin.
Voters are switching allegiance out of disgust with the Democratic Party’s pro-inflation, pro-criminal, open border, identity-obsessed policies.
For the first time in seven years, more voters today identify as Republicans or say they lean Republican than identify or lean Democratic.
The GOP now holds a 47% to 46% edge over Democrats, per the latest data from Pew Research, collected long before Biden’s disastrous June 28 debate and before Saturday’s assassination attempt.
The Republican brand is leading over the Democratic brand, and the left-wing media are apoplectic.
Bruni claimed that Republicans are pulling ahead only because Democrats are in disarray over Biden’s fumbling, stumbling and mumbling.
Wrong: The shift toward the GOP has been four years in the making, long before the voting public got a first-hand look at Biden’s incapacity.
Consider the exodus of Gen Z — voters aged 18 to 29 — from the Democratic Party.
For years, young voters reliably voted Democrat. Biden won them by more than 20 percentage points in 2020.
Now just 24% of Gen Z approve of the job Biden is doing, found an NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist poll released May 30.
“They’re worried about the cost of living” as they “envision moving into adulthood” without being able to take major steps like buying a house, explained pollster Lee Miringoff.
Latino voters are also reconsidering their Democratic loyalties.
The Pew poll shows that the Democratic Party’s taken-for-granted voters, including Gen Z and minorities, are realizing identity politics is a ruse.