Biden’s fading campaign is creating a Democrat nightmare

If you are a Trump-hating Democrat, you are probably having trouble separating your nightmares from reality.

After all, the Republicans just had a wildly successful convention while your party is forming circular firing squads.

Worst of all, Joe Biden has picked a terrible time to throw a hissy fit, making it impossible to know who will be your party’s presidential nominee.

Consider two reports circulating Friday: One says Biden is “in it to win it” and sees a path to victory, the other insists he and his family are discussing his imminent withdrawal.

At this point, it’s not clear which is true or even which would be better for Dems.

One thing is certain: the confusion perfectly captures the helter-skelter mess Biden has created. His misbegotten presidency amounts to a long list of major failures and he should have had the sense a year ago to pass the torch.

But he and the people around him grew fat with arrogance and, cosseted by a cheerleading media, came to believe their own lies about his “accomplishments.” The comeuppance is harsh, with even his exit a disaster.

His denial about the polls is also strange given that they have been consistent for months in showing that two-thirds of Democrats believe he should withdraw.

A poll here or there might be off, but it’s a fool’s errand to argue with a clear consensus. Perhaps Biden doesn’t even remember the debate debacle on June 27, but it sealed his fate.

I said then he was toast and predicted he would be gone from the race within a month, so his exit is on schedule.


There’s another reason why Biden can’t be saved: when a Dem incumbent has lost the leftist media, there is no hope. Without the propaganda arm to cover up his stumbles and attack Trump, Biden is forced to articulate his own case, a job beyond his cognitive capacity.

The New York Times, which has turned on Biden with a vengeance, recounted Saturday in painful detail how he fumbled every effort to save himself.

The Gray Lady is finally getting the picture: the president is a bumbling incompetent, and always has been.

In fact, Biden and his few remaining allies have given up arguing he has done a good job as president, focusing entirely on how bad they claim Trump would be.

That the president told donors “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye” shortly before the assassination attempt on the former president is an omen that Biden’s luck has run out.

Finally, in a move that recalls the way vultures circle over a soon-to-be corpse, Vice President Kamala Harris picked Friday to visit an ice-cream store. There’s nothing subtle about stealing your boss’ favorite photo-op!

Although there’s talk among party pooh-bahs of holding a mini-primary before or during the August convention, they’ll need Biden’s cooperation because the vast majority of delegates are pledged to him on the first ballot.

And any move that doesn’t result in Harris being the nominee could split the party along racial lines. That would be rough justice given how Dems have racialized politics for decades.