New Jersey man arrested after ripping head off seagull that tried to swipe French fries from daughter

New Jersey police, you call this animal cruelty?

Bro, if a seagull is trying to steal my fries I have every right in the world to rip its flippin’ head off!

This is America!!

So it sounds like Franklin Zeigler and his daughter were just hanging out at the boardwalk on a Saturday afternoon trying to enjoy a good meal. Of course, because you’re in New Jersey, a seagull came near to try and swipe a few free fries.

That seagull wouldn’t see another day.

In a fit of rage, Zeigler attacked the unfortunate bird and ripped its head off its body, according to New Jersey 101.5.

The avian assassin then asked boardwalk workers for a trash bag so he could dispose of the gull’s remains — which he still clutched in his hands.

Shortly after this, police showed up, which caused Mr. Zeigler to turn to anger. The cops approached him for an “unrelated investigation,” and eventually would arrest him and charge him with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Later, it is now known, Zeigler would also be charged with animal cruelty, presumably for ripping off that seagull’s head.

Animal cruelty, my hat!

The only thing cruel about this whole situation is the fact that a dumb bird was bothering a man and his daughter while they were trying to enjoy a good meal.


Approved ~ MJM