Project 2025 is Increasingly Unpopular

July 23, 2024

Public opinion on controversial right wing policy proposal Project 2025 is turning more negative, according to a latest poll.

A recent Navigator Research poll of 1000 registered voters conducted from July 11 to July 14 revealed a significant rise in both awareness of and opposition to the plan.

The survey’s results showed that 54 percent of respondents said they are now familiar with Project 2025, a substantial increase of 25 points since late June. Among those aware of the project, only 11 percent said they view it favorably, while 43 percent hold an unfavorable opinion, marking a 24-point surge in negativity toward the proposal.

Project 2025 is a 900-page document detailing proposed policies for a future Republican administration, developed by right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation.

The plan proposes to remove civil service employment protections for thousands of federal employees to make them easier to fire and replace with Republican loyalists.

It also proposes to implement sweeping changes to the federal government, including eliminating the Department of Education, reducing the scope of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, rolling back renewable-energy programs to create a regulatory environment that favors the fossil fuel industry, limiting mail-order abortion pills and removing diversity, equity and inclusion hiring policies from federal programs.

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Bugs Marlowe

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