As I covered extensively on Saturday, the dam is breaking in terms of Blacks and their presumed lockstep support of the Democrat Party. This is particularly prescient among Black men, who have become quite vocal about no longer supporting the party and its aims, which are counter to their concerns and issues. Fox Digital interviewed attendees at a July 27 Grand Rapids, MI, Trump Rally, and they sounded off about what the Democrat Party gets wrong about them.
Dr. Nikki Johnson called it as she saw it. The elites, Black or otherwise, are not happy about Black people being informed.
Most surprising, the editor-in-chief of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution had Mitchell’s back. It should not be a point of controversy and debate that a leading presidential candidate is allowed a platform where journalists get to ask him questions and he answers them. It should be the norm. When did we lose sight of that?
The other recent development comes from Black Twitter and a more vocal contingent of Black male conservatives who were appalled by the White Dudes for Kamala Harris call on Monday night. So, they decided to mount their own ZOOM call on Tuesday night titled: “Black People Against Kamala Harris.”