The Biggest Gaslighting Scam Yet: Kamala Isn’t Winning. She’s Doing Worse Than Biden. Trump is Winning a Landslide. Here is the Proof.

We have been gaslighted so badly, so many times in past few years, it’s almost impossible to believe. But none has been as absurd as what’s happening right now with the fake news stories and fake polls about Kamala Harris.

Only a couple weeks ago, Democrat leaders were discussing how to dump Kamala from the ticket. 

She was that big of an albatross. The most unpopular, unlikeable Vice President in modern history was an anchor on the Democrat Party and yes, even “the Biden brand.”

Only a couple of weeks ago, a crowd of Democrat consultants and donors was debating who the candidate should be. A top Democrat fundraiser actually said to the crowd, Kamala as the presidential candidate would be “more threatening” to swing voters than a dead or comatose Joe Biden. See:

Only a week ago, the New York Times looked at the pros and cons of every possible Biden replacement and called Kamala Harris “the most unelectable” of any possible Democrat candidate.

And a quick reminder- for the past four years, virtually every poll showed Kamala was the only politician on earth more unpopular than her boss, Joe Biden (the lowest rated president in a century).

Everyone at the top levels of Washington DC agreed Kamala was thoroughly unlikeable, completely incompetent, and dim-witted. That’s a very bad combination.

Keep in mind Kamala was universally hated by even her own staff- 92% of the people working for her as Vice President quit over the past 3 ½ years. Staffers publicly called her “a toxic, soul-destroying bully.” See:

If Kamala had a TV show it would be called, “Everyone Hates Kamala.”

But Democrats had no other choice, but to replace Biden with Kamala…and then like magic, poof, the Deep State hit the switch…and their barking seals in the media obeyed instantly…and they all read from the same script…

Suddenly, overnight, out of the blue, they’re all telling us Kamala is popular, well-regarded, and get this- skyrocketing in approval rating, skyrocketing in polls, and in some polls actually leading or tied with Trump? How is this possible?

The answer is, it’s not. 

Once again, we’re being gaslighted. Except this time it’s so fantastical, only a complete moron, fool, or delusional patsy would accept what we’re hearing.


Patriotic Patriot

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