Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week—Scary ‘Strong Woman’ Kamala Harris Edition

Now that the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media are temporarily out of “Joe Must Go!” panic mode, they’re back to doing what they do best: making up stuff about former President Donald Trump to add to their bubbling cauldron of lies. They’re more panicked than ever about ORANGE MAN BAD these days, so in the immortal words of REO Speedwagon, “the tales grow taller on down the line.”

The massive creative fiction endeavor by the MSM is actually two-pronged, because the hacks are also tasked with completely reimagining Kamala Harris. That may seem like a tall task but, again, the MSM operates in a fact-free environment. The reworked Harris bio is simply a lot of busy work for the propaganda minions.

One of the ridiculous narratives that quickly took shape after it was announced that Kamala Harris would be anointed as the Democratic nominee is that Trump is afraid of running against a powerful woman. That’s right, they’re doing their “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” thing again and carrying on with a story that’s been disproven by relatively recent history.

Kamala Harris didn’t get to where she is because of her strength and grit. In California, a Democrat simply has to meet the right money people early on in his or her career, and the path to success is practically guaranteed. This is especially true for those who begin their careers in the Bay Area, as did Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and the late Dianne Feinstein. When Joe Biden said that he would chose a Black woman as his running mate, the viable talent pool on the Dem side consisted of about five names, and Harris was well positioned because of her almost predestined rise up the California Democratic Party food chain.

Politically tested, the vice president is not.

Look, I get that the Democrats desperately need to convince themselves that Kamala Harris is more than just some pant-suited doofus who exhibits all of her boss’s incoherence, but doesn’t have his age excuse. That’s a tall order, especially if they get distracted by all of the cackling.

I am a big supporter of this overhauling of Madame Veep’s reality. The more stories they tell each other about her over there, the less focused they are on issues that matter to undecided voters. Go tell Ed and Marge Swingvoter in flyover country that Kamala Harris is their avenging angel who will save them from the never ending creep of illegal alien crime and see how that plays.

Let them tell their stories. If all goes well, they’ll get another four years of Donald Trump being the monster under their beds.