Breaking news: actions have consequences

Action News has been doing an in-depth report on Richard Lincoln Industries which is announcing a major innovation that could have ramifications around the world. Richard has been doing extensive research on alternative energy sources powered by hydrogen. He has just finished in-depth testing on a power module that will revolutionize the energy industry. What he has put together is a power cell no bigger than the average gas tank in an automobile that can run an automobile for over 2000 miles on one full tank. The unbelievable part is that it runs on water. Because his technology is secret we know very little about how it works. There appears to be some type of pulsed magnetic field where lasers are introduced to separate hydrogen from oxygen. So the waste product is oxygen and his energy cell can produce what looks like unlimited energy off a very small amount of hydrogen. Not only would this eliminate most of the cost associated with gasoline but it might eventually eliminate the need for oil and gas. It’s reported that his energy cell could be retrofitted in homes, factories, airlines, and virtually any application that requires an energy source. It appears that most automobiles will wear out before you need to replace the energy cell. The worldwide ramifications of this technology are mind-boggling and could elevate Third World countries into First World countries in a generation. Simply put whatever needs energy, that energy can be generated by his power cell. NASA is even looking into the use of this with spaceships. We understand that Richard is a product of a single-parent family and our reporter has been sent to interview his mother. Her story is very compelling as she reported when she was first pregnant with Richard, her second child the oldest being David, she lost her husband, the main breadwinner, in a horrible car accident. Her family was quick to come to her support, and as they discussed the potential issues of trying to keep the family together as a single parent we understand that the discussion for abortion came up as the only way for her and her other son David to survive without their father’s income. After long discussions that became very emotional, Mrs. Lincoln was convinced by her family her best way forward was to seek an abortion.

Choices have consequences.

Action News is closely watching the Senate race because the Democrats are concerned they might lose control over the Senate. A rising Democratic star David Lincoln is gaining popular support as he starts his race for the Senate. Action News has done an in-depth interview with David and he has a compelling story as he seeks his first term as senator. We understand that David lost his father when he was younger and he explained why he is pro-choice because his mother would not have survived trying to raise two kids on her own. David felt her decision to end her pregnancy was a decision that all women should be able to make. He told Action News before his dad died his mother and her late husband were going to name their son Richard after her husband’s uncle. But candidate Lincoln was glad she didn’t bring Richard into a potentially stressful situation being a single mother. In other news unrest in the Middle East and rising energy costs are starting to have a global catastrophic effect. Because gasoline is over $30 a gallon due to the multiple wars in the Middle East people are reaching their breaking point. Food costs have become unbearable for the average person. Reports of robberies at grocery stores even food trucks being stopped on the way to market are starting to add more pressure on the food supply. The overwhelming cost of energy is causing mass starvation in Third World countries with a rising death rate that has surpassed records from the past. Scientists are desperately looking for an alternative energy source before we start seeing countries collapse. In Venezuela, North Korea, and Cuba the military has been shooting people in the street that are rioting for food and clean water. The US government reported that several countries might descend into anarchy if something doesn’t change. The US government is so desperate they’re asking Americans to pray for a way to resolve this energy crisis.

Do you see the value of the right to life?

What is a life worth?

John Keefe

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