Calling Rivals “Dumb” and “Low IQ” Is, Ironically, a Dumb, Low IQ Way to Insult Someone

During his speech at the Democratic Convention, non-disgraced, never-impeached, two-term non-felon Barack Obama surprised and delighted the audiencewith an unexpected but expertly delivered dick joke. 

Obama’s brand is dignity and restraint, but he was willing to roll around in the mud a little and take some jabs at the GOP’s pig of a candidate. 

“Here’s a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago. It has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that’s actually getting worse now that he’s afraid of losing to Kamala. There’s the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes.” 

When he said “crowd sizes,” Obama made a hand gesture that subtly but unmistakably suggested that Trump’s obsession with crowd size was related to his obsession with dick size and his own raging inadequacies. He was suggesting that Trump couldn’t satisfy Melanie with his little worm, whereas he could bust her out with his super sperm.

It was an expertly conceived and executed dick joke. It was a dick joke with class and a visual and verbal component. Being sophisticated and witty, Obama relied on inference and double entendres to make the point that Trump’s dong is embarrassingly small. 

If Trump wanted to make the same point, he would fire off an all-caps post on Truth Social reading, “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA HAS A SMALL PENIS! #MAGA.” 

Trump loves to hurl wildly uncreative insults at his enemies, both within his party and Democrats, with the vulgar enthusiasm of the schoolyard bully Trump was, is, and always will be. 

For 2024, his insult of choice for his Democratic rival is “Comrade.” That hasn’t stuck because it’s tired and wreaks of desperation but also because it’s clearly not true. 

Then again, the cynical thinking has always been that Democrats are Liberals, Liberals are Socialists, and Socialists are Communists. As a somewhat left-of-center Democrat, that consequently means that she’ll use her time in office to promote Marxism. 

Because he is very stupid and a raging narcissist, Trump likes to brag about being a very stable genius beset upon by a confederacy of dunces. Of course, Trump would never use a phrase like confederacy of dunces. 

Donald Trump talks to his supporters like they’re idiots who must be spoon-fed propaganda like widdoe tiny babies because they are. Incidentally, I’m using the phrase “widdoe” because Trump has used it to insult George Stephanopolous for committing the ultimate crime of being short. He also insulted Marco Rubio for being short in a womanly way.

When you want people to vote for you, insulting all men under 5’6 seems like a strange strategy, but there must be MAGA men who don’t mind that Trump has repeatedly insulted enemies for something they cannot control. 

On Truth Social and in interviews and rallies, Harris has been called “dumb,” “dumb as a rock,” “stupid,” “not very bright,” and “low IQ.” He recently stepped up his game by calling her “mentally challenged.”