I Told You

I told you— calling people “MAGAts” would only help Trump. But you wouldn’t listen.

I told you— intolerance toward those who do not match your views 100% would only drive people away. But you wouldn’t listen.

I told you— change doesn’t come by tearing people down, but by building understanding. But you wouldn’t listen.

I told you— people in battleground states don’t want far-left extreme policies. But you wouldn’t listen.

I told you— stop labeling everything as racist, stop likening America to terrorists, stop comparing Israelis to Nazis. But you wouldn’t listen.

Most of all, I told you— listen, learn, and understand the world outside the liberal bubble. But you wouldn’t listen.

Now, here we are, facing the consequences, together.


Article URL : https://disqus.com/by/TheGayJew/