Ex-Hillary Clinton adviser: Dems ‘hostage’ to far-left, don’t voice ‘common sense’


Veteran political adviser Philippe Reines joined others in criticizing the modern Democratic Party after recent election losses, saying it has been taken “hostage” by the far left.

“The majority of Democrats don’t agree with the things we are being tagged with,” Reines, a longtime aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, said during a Friday morning appearance on CNN. “I think Democrats believe in common sense stuff more than you realize.”

He pointed to open border policies and allowing transgender athletes who were born male to compete in women’s sports as examples of issues that “most” Democrats disagree with — including two House Democrats that spoke out against the latter since Election Day. Reines added that the party just hasn’t been communicating its position on “common sense” policies effectively.

“You can have a healthy conversation within a party, and you have to have room within a party for all this, but at the end of the day, if you have some of these issues that are 80/20 across the country, you really gotta figure out why they’re being so tagged with one,” he said.


Article URL : https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4980491-philippe-reines-ex-clinton-adviser-democrats-hostage-far-left-2024/