Jewish children, teens violently attacked in London: ‘streets are no longer safe’

The latest targets of antisemitic attacks spreading through Western Europe were Jewish teens and children in the United Kingdom. On Thursday, two buses carrying students from a London Jewish school were attacked at a bus stop by a swarm of around ten teens from a nearby school who wielded large rocks, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

Four teens boarded one of the double-decker buses and went to the second level, where they began to swear at students and give them the middle finger. One 12-year-old student, who professed he was “scared” by the attack, described how the teens “were swearing at us, saying ‘F— Israel, nobody likes you. F— off, you bitches. They were filming us like they were enjoying it. There were lots of people in the street and nobody tried to stop them,” the student told The Jewish Chronicle.



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