Religion is not about godliness, it’s an indoctrination to perpetuate an age-old myth!


Religion is not about godliness, it’s an indoctrination to perpetuate an age-old myth!

Nearly two millennia ago, a poor ignorant people rose-up with hate in their hearts for the rest of humanity, hatred of other religions, intolerant of any god but their own. Four centuries later, they won favour from the mighty military power of their day, who used this religion to further their own domination. This military power accepted the intolerant religion of the ignorant, who no longer were the poor, and made it the sole religion of their mighty empire. However, less than a century later in 476 CE, saw the fall of this now once might power in the west, yet, the religion without its mighty patron claimed its superiority as God’s representative on Earth. Any faith that sprung-up that did not teach the same doctrine, was annihilated, and its follower who did not covert were slaughtered as heretics.

All this power was not achieved through godliness, but by wrongdoings, lies, fakery, forgery, and fraud.  Even the Papal States (756-1870), was achieved through theft with the use of a counterfeit document, known as the Donation of Constantine.   This intolerant faith cried wolf when its landed property, the Papal States was taken away from it, yet, in 1929 it was given compensation for the loss of the Papal State.

Treaty of the Lateran  (Criminals gain from their fraudulent crimes of old.)

On February 11, 1929, Mussolini, on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III, and Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and the Vatican, signed the Lateran Treaty, which ended 60 years of dispute between Italy and the Vatican. This document was divided into three main sections: the conciliation treaty, the financial convention, and the concordat.

The conciliation treaty essentially established official diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Italy and affirmed Catholicism as the “state religion.” The financial convention stipulated that the Italian state would pay the Vatican the sum of 750 million lire in cash as well as 5 percent Consolidated Bearer Bonds of 1 trillion lire to compensate the Holy See for the loss of lands in 1870. This payment would be made in full by June 30, 1929, and would not be subject to any tariffs or taxes.  (Who says crime does not pay?  Not only that for signing the concordat the Vatican had the power over the education of all Italian children, which gave jobs for all the priests. )

The concordat gave the Vatican power over religious teaching in public schools at both the primary and secondary school levels (taught by priests); extended papal control over marriage laws and wills; reiterated the sovereignty of the Holy See over its property, its ecclesiastical members and seminarians, and its message; and preserved the organization Catholic Action, which was a branch of the Vatican, as the only independent organization left within Fascist Italy.
Two names stand out in the treaty, Pius IX aka Pio Nono whose birth name was, Maria Mastai-Ferretti (1792-1878), and Benito Amilcare Andrea 
Mussolini, better known as Il Duce.  Both these persons were criminal.  Pius IX for the kidnapping of six-year-old Jewish boy Edgardo Mortara, in 1858.  Mussolini for war crimes, who was publicly executed in 1945.
We call this the Mother Church or Rome’s version called Christianity.
What do you say, on part or all of the discussion?

Jero Jones

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