Okay, this one is about Hell…

I know I mentioned it in my last OP, but I really wanted to talk about the quotation that literally had God derive pleasure from the destruction of people… however… all most of the Christians wanted to talk about was the eternal torture pit, so… well, glad to oblige:

I started with this:

I imagine that anybody here reading the title of this OP immediately thought of the Christian God watching as billions of sentient entities that He created were burned forever in a fire He invented… which is… well… I mean… what’s the point of the infinite torture if it’s not God’s pleasure? It’s certainly not corrective in nature, if there’s never going to be a time after the “punishment” is finished…

And I asked a question, you’ll note:

What’s the point of the infinite torture if it’s not God’s pleasure?

Nobody really answered that question, so I thought I’d give you all a fair shot at it now… note… the scriptures do not explicitly state that God will derive pleasure from an eternity watching billions of conscious entities being tortured… but my question stands: what is the purpose of Hell if it’s not for y’all’s imaginary fiend’s viewing pleasure?

Also note: saying that God didn’t create Hell specifically to have humans tortured in, but rather for the Devil and his minions… well… it doesn’t really get you anywhere for a number of reasons… first of all, if that’s the tack you want to take, consider this question: did your imaginary fiend know before it created the torture pit that billions of humans (that it also created) would end up there forever?