Donald Trump Boasts at CPAC GOP Before Him Ruled By ‘Freaks’: ‘Never Going Back to the Party of Paul Ryan’

Donald Trump took the stage at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference and declared himself and his…

Gaetz flustered after Pentagon official calls him out for citing Chinese “propaganda” to his face

Gaetz initially denied that it was propaganda before conceding “yeah, it might be Gaetz during the…

‘A Dog Whistle Instead of a Foghorn’: Tucker Carlson Accused of Editing Kanye West Footage to Hide Anti-Semitism

Tucker Carlson and his show’s production team were accused of tapping downKanye West’s anti-Semitism on Wednesday after Vice…

US conservative group backpedals on pro-Russia tweet as some back Putin

The Conservative Political Action Conference on tweeted – and then hours later deleted – a tweet…

Trump escalates fascist rhetoric in response to Biden’s speech on MAGA Republican threat of dicatorship

In a rambling, two-hour rant Saturday night, Donald Trump sought to turn the tables on President…

Tucker Carlson Comes Away Empty-Handed After Cutting Into Biden Rally Hoping to Show a Gaffe That Never Came

Tucker Carlson briefly cut into a speech by President Joe Biden, hoping to show his viewers a verbal…

Is Donald Trump a Russian spy? Unpacking the conspiracy theory

Rumours of Trump’s involvement with Russia are not new-found, with his 1977 marriage to Czech woman…

Lauren Witzke Says Uvalde Shooting Was ‘A Federal Operation’ to Prevent Hispanics From Supporting the GOP

Lauren Witzke—a Russia-loving white nationalist and conspiracy theorist who was the Delaware Republican Party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate in 2020—claimed that the recent…

Republicans plot foreign intervention pullback

Republican lawmakers — following former President Trump’s lead — are working with a wide range of…

Schumer blasts Paul’s delay of $40B Ukraine package as ‘repugnant’

“This should already have been done and over with, but it is repugnant that one member…

Cheney: Trump’s ‘adulation’ of Putin ‘aids our enemies’

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Tuesday night that former President Trump was working against American interests after he offered praise for…

The Only Place That Putin’s Propaganda Is Working Is In The GOP

Putin’s 2016 Disinformation War On America Won Him The Republican Party Putin has his own political…