REVEALED: Biden’s new ‘Disinformation’ czar pushed debunked Russia collusion claims from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign that are now at the center of special counsel John Durham’s first prosecution of her lawyer

Disinformation Governance Board head Nina Jankowicz has an extensive history of pushing now-debunked claims linking Donald…

Georgia Puts the Kibosh on Universities’ Anti-Liberty ‘Free Speech Zones’

On Tuesday, Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law HB 1, otherwise known as the Forming Open…

GOP Senator Moves to Defund DHS’ Disinformation Hit Squad

This hit squad is being assembled ahead of the 2022 midterms. That’s not why your sucking,…

MO and LA File Suit Against Biden Administration Over Collusion With Tech Giants to Suppress Free Speech

On Thursday, the states of Missouri and Louisiana filed suit in the United States District Court…

Democrats Want DHS to Protect Blacks and Hispanics From “Disinformation”

Only the government can stop minorities from thinking for themselves. The Biden administration has officially announced…

Bill to Dissolve Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Disinformation Board Hits the Senate

The Biden administration is rolling out a new initiative to target “disinformation.” But the plan is…

Springtime for Censors

So the Biden administration has decided to create a Homeland Security board full of censors and…

Orwell Got The Story Right, But The Date Wrong

During his Wednesday congressional testimony, DHS Secretary Mayorkas testified that the  DHS is creating a Disinformation…