OPINION Amy Klobuchar: Donald Trump’s presidency of broken promises is further dividing America

  Closed as old news – NV   Nov. 6, 2019

From town halls to fish fries, debate stages to Hall of Fame dinners, we have talked a lot about changing our policies in this election. But I believe we need to change the tone in our politics, too.

We have a president who wakes up every day thinking about how he can divide this country. We need to stop the mean tweets, divisive attacks and broken promises. We need to look up from our phones and listen to each other. And we need to start working together. Because I believe there’s so much more that unites us than divides us.

I don’t want to be president of half of America — I want to be president for all of America. I know that our work doesn’t end on Election Day but begins on Inauguration Day. And if we are going to be able to get anything done to move our country forward, we need to bring people with us.



Article URL : https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/11/06/amy-klobuchar-donald-trump-2020-presidential-race-promises-column/2506581001/