My Religiometer

I propose to discuss a scale for ranging religious concepts in the order of their harmful influence. Here is my variant:

There is God (that’s zero point, IMO, there is no harm in this concept as such).

God has created the world.

God cares about its creatures.

God expects certain behavior from humans.

God will reward and punish humans according to their deeds.

God wants its followers to impose certain views and behaviors on each other.

God wants its followers to impose certain views and behaviors on all humans.

God allows violence to impose its will on others.

God’s requirements to human behavior cover every aspect of human life.

What is your variant of a religiometer? Can you prolong this scale or insert some gradations in between?

How many points do different religions score on this scale?

What could prolong the scale in the opposite direction, “above zero”, i.e. religious concepts with positive effects for humanity?