he human capacity for folly continues to amaze.
The Irish Sun (savor the irony of this report coming from a land where sunshine is rare and the scenery is overwhelmingly lush and green) reports:
A TOP doctor is warning people not to try out a bizarre “bum sunning” ritual that has take[n] social media by storm this week.
Dr Jennifer Gunter, a gynaecologist based in the US, said that exposing your nether regions to the sun’s harsh rays increases the risk of skin cancer on your vulva. (snip)
It comes after a woman went viral after claiming that exposing her perineum – the area between the anus and the vulva – to sunlight for 30 seconds every morning could boost sleep and energy.
Meagan, from California, posted a picture of herself on Instagram practising what she described as “perineum sunning”.
She can be seen lying on her back naked while holding her feet with her legs in the air and her butt facing the sun.
Here is Meagan baring all and risking all:
eagan is sure that her practice has helped her life:
In her post on October 21, the self-proclaimed healer, who goes by Metaphysical Meagan on social media, explained that it was “an ancient Taoist practice that’s been around for a while”.
She said that in the three weeks she had been trying it out she had noticed she had “surges of energy almost immediately”.
Meagan also suggested she had better sleep, better connection her “sexual energy” and “control of my life force”.
She added that she had more “creativity flowing through my life” and had attracted her “soul tribe” – or people who are on the same wavelength as her. (snip)
Meagan added: “This is truly more energising than slamming cups of coffee and is a great alternative to consuming neurotoxic coffee & caffeine that can disrupt your adrenal gland health.”
In another post on November 12, she responded to comments she had received about the practise since her initial post.
She wrote: “Perineum sunning is an ancient Taoist practice that originated in the Far East. In Taoism, the perineum or Hui Yin is called the “Gate of Life and Death.” This is a gateway where energy enters & exits the body.”
In this caption, she also claimed that it “strengthens the organs”, “aids in healthy libido” and “regulates the circadian rhythm and promotes deeper sleep”.
She added: “My experience with perineum sunning has been profound.
“I have been practising this for a few months now. I start my day with 5 minutes of perineum sunning & feel energised for hours.
I bet Meagan is into “all-natural” as a way to live. Perhaps it didn’t occur to her that our bodies are naturally built so that our nether regions are where the sun doesn’t shine. Perhaps for reason, such as vulnerability to harm from too much sun.
David Adams