Philippines: Thousands evacuate as volcano spews ash

Local authorities have issued an evacuation order as Taal Volcano shows signs of an impending eruption. Taal has not erupted in decades, but one catastrophic event in 1911 killed over 1,000 people.

Thousands of people were being evacuated south of the Philippine capital, Manila, on Sunday as Taal Volcano began to send clouds of ash and stone into the sky.

The country’s seismological authority raised the alert level to 4 out of 5, suggesting that a “hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days.” Several tremors have already been felt in the vicinity of the volcano.

Around 8,000 residents were ordered to evacuate, with 6,000 out of the danger zone on Sunday evening. Ash covered much of the surrounding area, and reportedly reached as far as the province of Cavite, directly south of Manila.

The ash plume reached a height of 10 to 15 kilometers (6 to 9 miles) into the atmosphere on Sunday evening. Aviation officials ordered a suspension of all flights in and out of Manila’s international airport. Fallen ash also covered the runways.

David Adams

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