Breaking news: actions have consequences

Action News has been doing an in-depth report on Richard Lincoln Industries which is announcing a…

When Lying Liars Lie About Their Lies.

In a recent thread on BNR, yours truly told the CM he was arguing with, that…

Will Gaza become the Israeli equivalent of the US led effort eventually wasted in Afghanistan?

After 9/11 here the US and our NATO Article 5 allies spent over two decades fighting…

Eye of Hawk

Ah, he said, wisely, or seeming so; the hawk, he hath indeed an eightfold greater visual…

Freedom of Speech: When Push comes to Shove

Cover Image: detail of the Cable Street Mural, Tower Hamlets, UK. Good liberals in the west…

Islamist antisemitism is flying under the Jewish communal radar

Thanks to the acceptance of critical race theory ideology, American liberals who rightly worry that contradicting…

Western Civilization

The dictionary defines the west as “the modern culture of western Europe and North America”.  Wikipedia…

How do we get Peace? (The Conservative Answer)

No one thinks highly of war.  It is destructive, costly, and murderous. The opposite of war,…

How do we get Peace? (The Socialist/Marxist Answer)

No one thinks highly of war.  It is destructive, costly, and murderous. The opposite of war,…

How do we get Peace? (The Liberal Answer)

No one thinks highly of war.  It is destructive, costly, and murderous. The opposite of war,…

RWNJs are Scared of VP Harris

What sex can teach us about the past

I think especially when I write about gay history, queer history, or trans history, one of…