Bernie’s Problem

*Political editorial by GayJew*

Hillary Clinton lost the electoral college vote, but won the popular vote, through her strength in urban areas. 

Hilary’s strength in urban areas is observed in this 2016 map of Iowa:

Although the winner of the Iowa caucuses has yet to be declared, it is likely Bernie will win the popular Iowa vote but lose, or tie, with Pete in state delegates:

If you compare the maps, it is quite obvious that the places Bernie did well (Des Moines, Davenport, Cedar Rapids) are urban Democratic strongholds that Hillary won, and that any future democratic nominee would likely win as well. 

Compared to urban areas, the rest of Iowa immensely preferred Pete to Bernie.
The question is: why would any sane democrat think Bernie can beat Trump, when it is plain to see his support comes largely from areas democrats are going to win no matter what. This applies as much to Des Moines as it does to Brooklyn and Westwood. Bernie lost to Pete everywhere he needs to be competitive against Trump to win Iowa.

The truth is, outside dark-blue urban areas which would vote for a glass of water with a (D) next to it, Iowans (and likely Americans overall) don’t want what Bernie is selling. 

Before it’s too late, Democrats who think Sanders is electable need to ask themselves why Bernie (and his policies) don’t do well outside of dark-blue democratic strongholds.