“Shoot The Messenger”: What We Can Say Publicly About Coronavirus & What We Can’t

It’s Time…
If you’ve been watching our Youtube video series on the Wuhan Coronavirus (2019nCoV) pandemic, you know that it’s time to prepare.

Yes, we can always hope that the latest unconfirmed potential treatment marks an actual turning point (i.e. treating patients with HIV protease inhibitor drugs) . But it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

You’re probably reading this because you tend to think critically, and you trust your own judgment. Weirdly, that sets you apart from the masses.

And so here you are. Not because you’re weird, but because it’s weird that common sense and prudent caution are so uncommon.

For a whole host of reasons that extend well beyond this emerging pandemic, we think being prepared is a selfless and prudent thing to do. Everyone should seek to be as resilient as possible. Our book Prosper! covers this in much greater detail. It encourages readers to build capital.

Yes, build up your financial capital. But don’t ignore social, knowledge, time, material, living, cultural and emotional capital. If you have depth in each of these, you will be truly wealthy, happy and fulfilled — no matter what the universe throws your way.

A pandemic is a hard kick in the pants that will propel many people to finally begin preparing. If you’re one of them, don’t ignore this important call to action.

For those who are already in good shape — Congratulations! Use this opportunity to re-evaluate your planning, inventory your preps, and then improve upon both if needed.

What We Can Say Publicly & What We Can’t
As with our coverage of the Fukushima nuclear disaster back in 2011, we believe it is our duty to make our gifts of sleuthing, clarifying, and decoding freely available to the world. That’s what we’ve done in the past, and we’re doing it in spades now — releasing at least one video every day for the past 13 days, keeping the public updated on the evolving coronavirus threat.

But there’s certain content that we cannot put out into the public realm.

Some of it can put a target on our back for the media to use in accusing us of being “alarmists” or “fearmongers”.

Other content may not be sufficiently proven, but we feel is important to consider and monitor as more data comes in. But it’s too half-baked to put out to a public audience where some folks might accept it as gospel simply because we shared it.

David Adams

Article URL : https://www.zerohedge.com/health/shoot-messenger-what-we-can-say-publicly-about-coronavirus-what-we-cant?