Don’t believe the pro-Trump spin. Here’s why the Democrats — and the state of the union — are stronger than they look

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine this scenario:

Not only will Donald Trump be re-elected for another four years in November’s U.S presidential election. He will then be succeeded by his son Donald Trump Jr. for eight years, followed by his daughter, Ivanka, for another eight years. And then, perhaps, his youngest son, Barron, currently a teenager?

Is it morning yet? Can I wake up now?

It has been a rocky week, and that, in a nutshell, is what many frightened, panic-stricken, demoralized Democrats now fear will happen in America’s political future.

But they’re wrong.

In spite of Donald Trump, not because of him, the state of their union, as the fabled expression goes, is still strong.

This past week has appeared to be a good one for Trump, but only if you believe the Republican spin and the uncritical coverage from much of the U.S. news media.

Even though his approval rating on one poll this week increased to a record 49 per cent, polling experts suggest this is due more to short-lived Republican anger at impeachment than anything enduring.

🖕 Buck_Off 🖕

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