Iran’s Deputy Health Minister Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Government Tells Citizens Not to Panic

Despite some of the trappings of a modern society, Iran is still essentially a Third-World country. This makes them particularly susceptible to epidemics like the coronavirus that is sweeping the world.

Misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies told by the government are not helping the situation. Tehran announced that there were 95 cases of the virus across the country, but 16 people had died of it. That’s a staggering mortality rate of 16.8 percent — 7 times higher than the mortality rate in Wuhan. Disease experts concluded that the number of cases in Iran is far higher than authorities are letting on.

If the Iranians want to lie to their own people, that’s their business. But their lies must be placed in the context of a worldwide epidemic that health authorities are losing control of. Information — accurate and complete — is absolutely vital if the damage from this virus is to be contained.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani scolded citizens for rumor-mongering and spreading false information about the virus. About an hour later, it was revealed that Iran’s deputy health minister had tested positive for the virus.

Iranians traveling overseas have also tested positive for the virus, which deepens the mystery about how bad it already is in Iran and how much worse it’s going to get. One thing is certain: Iran’s health care infrastructure is not prepared.


The main problem of the virus outbreak is that it affects a large number of individuals within a short time frame, which makes it difficult to treat every person that is infected with the virus.
In severe cases, coronavirus can trigger an overreaction from the immune system. Because it is the first time the human body meets the newly found virus, the immune system tries to overload the virus, which causes harm to the human body.

In such a case, individuals have to be rushed to the hospital and be treated swiftly. But, when there are a lack of equipment, resources, and medical centers to deal with the outbreak, the fatality rate can increase substantially.

According to one outspoken lawmaker, the government seems more concerned with hiding the severity of the crisis than in dealing with it.

Associated Press:

David Adams

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