You cannot understate the dumpster fire that was last night’s CBS Dem debate. Here are your highlights.

Sen. Bernie Sanders quickly learned at Tuesday night’s Democratic primary debate that being the front-runner is like having a target hanging on your back, as the self-avowed socialist senator from Vermont took blow after blow.

In naming winners and losers from the spectacle in South Carolina, Sanders would be near the top when it comes to losers, but CBS clearly tops that list as moderators Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell were out of their league, allowing candidates to scream over one another in what proved to be an embarrassing display.

Hell, the duo couldn’t even close out what proved to be a circus, as O’Donnell tried to bring the debate to an end prematurely, with King interjecting to announce it wasn’t quite over yet.

If there was one moment that captured the “disaster” CBS presents, it was seen here:

They want people to Vote for one of them to lead the country?

This is a disaster.

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 26, 2020

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a release that the only choice in November is President Donald Trump.

“The complete chaos we saw tonight shows that none of these Democrats deserve to be anywhere near the Oval Office,” she said. “When we could hear over the crosstalk, we heard Democrats singing the same old song in support of socialism. Whether it’s tax hikes on every American, socialized medicine or open borders, their far-left policies are not resonating because voters know they will not work. On November 3rd, voters will overwhelmingly choose to continue this great American comeback and vote to re-elect President Trump.”

Sanders stood center stage and took the hits from both sides as he tried to convince America that his radical views are not all that radical:

.@BernieSanders says his ideas aren’t radical: “In one form or another, they exist in countries all over the world.”

— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 26, 2020

He also defended his praise for murderous communist dictator Fidel Castro, saying dictators can “do something good,” before pivoting to attack America’s foreign policy.

David Adams

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