Dems slammed for sickening politization of coronavirus, but NYT’s ‘TrumpVirus’ takes the cake

When conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh theorized earlier this week that the institutional left is purposefully trying to politicize coronavirus to hurt President Donald Trump, he suffered mockery and derision from the institutional left.

Yet two days later, a plethora of emerging evidence has provided what appears to be an unbelievably strong bulwark for Limbaugh’s theory.

First, poorly polling Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren has called for funneling money away from border security and to coronavirus prevention programs:

Coronavirus poses a serious health, diplomatic, & economic threat, & we must be prepared to confront it head-on. So I’m introducing a bill to transfer all funding for @realDonaldTrump‘s racist border wall to @HHSGov & @USAID to combat coronavirus.

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 27, 2020

It seems to many critics as if she’s blatantly trying to politicize coronavirus so as to score points against the president and perhaps boost her ailing campaign.

The evidence includes the fact that this bill would never make it through the GOP-led Senate and, more importantly, the fact that this bill makes zero sense, given that proper coronavirus prevention requires stringent border security.

“The first line of defense against coronavirus is the border. Not just figuratively. Any national border is, by definition, a literal line of defense,” Lew Jan Olowski of the Immigration Reform Law Institute notes.

“Repelling people at the border prevents them from transmitting coronavirus inside the country. Airlines and governments worldwide are taking similar measures. As a result, contagion is slowed and lives are saved.”

And it just so happens that those portions of the president’s wall that have been built thus far have succeeded in “repelling people at the border.”

The border wall system worked exactly as designed. The illicit traffic was slowed down, the detection technology alerted @CBPElCentro USBP agents, agents responded, and the subject was apprehended.

— CBP (@CBP) December 5, 2019

Yet Warren wants to pull funding away from the wall? Why would that be?

David Adams

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