Trump Mocks Bloomberg Over Germy Finger Licking After Mayor Said He’d Contain Coronavirus

Earlier this week, Democratic presidential candidate and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg had a clear, and expensive, message: He is more than qualified to handle an outbreak such as the coronavirus hysteria.

But many people began to question his qualifications once an odd — and, honestly, disturbing — video of him licking his fingers and handling communal pizza started making the rounds on Super Tuesday.

Even President Donald Trump took the opportunity to point out the conflicting message coming from the Bloomberg campaign.

On Sunday, Bloomberg released a campaign advertisement in which he asserted his ability to lead the country amid tragedy and outbreak based on his experience as a New York’s mayor.

He cited his leadership as the city rebuilt from the 9/11 terrorist attacks as well as when it faced “a hurricane, a blackout, attempted terror attacks, the West Nile virus and swine flu.”

David Adams

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