James Woods has a Biden-Hillary theory that will blow your mind following Super Tuesday results

Outspoken conservative Hollywood actor and unabashed jokester James Woods has a wild, wild theory about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her clandestine quest for world domination (muahahah).

To hear him tell it, the failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee still seeks the presidency but knows deep in her heart that she’d only lose to President Donald Trump again if she entered the race. After all, even members of her own party dislike her.

So what’s an allegedly crazy, evil, malicious, conniving megalomaniac to do?

Here’s what:

So I pretty much predicted this. It’ll be #Biden and #Hillary as his vice presidential candidate. He will eventually “gracefully” resign as his dementia worsens and… Voila! #MadamePresident at last! (and in case he gets indicted for his Ukraine corruption, she’ll pardon him… pic.twitter.com/rNbvHyepbi

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 4, 2020


While it’s a wild theory, a surprising number of people believe it’s “plausible.”


Totally plausible; but let’s remember that Hillary already lost her last run; and since then, much more has come out about her misdealings. Just this past week she’s been ordered to testify on her emails. Most Americans like the way the country is heading. No Dem is electable. 🇺🇸

— Tony C (@realTonyCaravan) March 4, 2020

Plausible! But he or she ain’t gonna be President cos we have the TRUMP card!

— Paige (@Paige78339725) March 4, 2020

Very plausible

— Ron Corbitt (@corbitr) March 4, 2020

Highly plausible, as far stranger things have been know to happen.

Especially the part where Biden quickly resigns, thereby canceling his need for a food-taster & sleeping w/one eye open at all times.

David Adams

Article URL : https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/03/04/james-woods-has-a-biden-hillary-theory-that-will-blow-your-mind-following-super-tuesday-results-893709