2084: With Apologies to George Orwell

Roger loved the breaking of morning as lights flashed across the bedroom of his cubicle and a feminine voice chanted ā€œ600 hours and time to get up. 600 hours and time to get up. Another beautiful day to serve the United Socialist States.ā€ The fact it was cold and drizzly outside would not matter to Roger, every day was beautiful as long as he could serve.

First off Roger took a sip of the Happy Drink that awaited him regularly by his bed each morning. The nourishing drink eased his head aching from the night before and he felt good for his 35 years. Fifteen good years ahead before he would have to voluntarily report for genocide, Population Control. Roger was very familiar with that. His occupation was the rounding up of people found unnecessary to the state. Not just the old, but those professing to be artists, writers and doing other non productive society things.

In the next cubicle he heard Blanche stirring. How fortunate he was that this beautiful she was chosen to be his house mate. But much too loose mouthed as a week before a careless remark was picked up by their offspring and when he reported it to his schooling computer as required, it got them a visit from a couple PC Regulators who interrogated them for hours. Roger could not blame them as Blanche never should have said those people the State settled to live free in their abode cost too much in living supplies and took up space.

After all their house guests were soldiers for the State, loyal to the Social Democrat Party as workers and voters. It was not their fault that paying jobs were short.

Again, Roger thanked the spirit of Saint Fidel for living in a nation free from the plagues that devastated Europe, Asia and Africa. Truly North Bernmerica was blessed above all the nations that once existed in the world. Even more that South Bernmerica where draughts destroyed much of the land.

Roger dressed quickly so he could get to the Eating Room for his pills before the others arrived and then turned on the holographic news

David Adams

Article URL : https://politichicks.com/2020/03/2084-with-apologies-to-george-orwell/