House Passes Revised Coronavirus Bill Guaranteeing Free Diagnostic Testing

The House on March 16 passed a revised multi-billion dollar emergency coronavirus relief package as the virus continues to spread across the United States.

Lawmakers initially passed the legislation in a 363-40 vote in the early hours of Saturday morning, but it was later bought back to the floor after speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy(R-Calif.), and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin together outlined “technical corrections” that could not be fixed administratively.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) had initially threatened to block the package until reviewing the details after expressing concerns that it would have harmful impacts to small business. However, he later withdrew his objection Monday evening.

Following its initial passage last week, Republicans had also concerns over the impact of costs on small businesses, increased spending on Medicaid, and language that was not included to prevents taxpayer funds from being used for abortions.

The revised legislation was passed through the House with unanimous consent on Monday and the Senate is expected to take up the legislation Tuesday. Both the original coronavirus package plus the revised version will be sent to the Senate.

The bill includes language that would ensure that workers can take paid sick or family leave, increase unemployment insurance, and guarantees that all Americans can get free diagnostic testing for the coronavirus, The Hill reports.

David Adams

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