Right-wing pundits’ shameless coronavirus pivot: It was a ‘hoax’ — but now it’s an ’emergency’

For weeks, Donald Trump clearly believed he could lie the coronavirus away. As David Leonhardt of the New York Times carefully chronicled, starting on Jan. 22, Trump began a campaign of falsehoods geared towards tricking Americans — and especially the stock market — into thinking everything was going to be fine, this epidemic was “very well under control,” that “like a miracle” the virus “will disappear” and that anyone who suggested otherwise was participating in a “hoax.” Fox News and other right-wing media, in the endless infinity symbol of conservative lies, both led and followed Trump on this, blanketing red-state America with a steady drumbeat of assertions that the “liberal media” was exaggerating the crisis to hurt Trump.


Article URL : https://www.rawstory.com/2020/03/right-wing-pundits-shameless-coronavirus-pivot-it-was-a-hoax-but-now-its-an-emergency/