Editorial: It’s time for the networks to stop live broadcast of Trump’s briefings

The president’s daily Coronavirus Task Force presentations have morphed into a beast that bears no resemblance to the informative crisis briefings they were originally intended to be. Once managed by a composed and eloquent Vice President Mike Pence, they are now the vehicle for the uninterrupted rambling and factually suspect musings of President Donald Trump. Whenever other officials speak, as if by command, their first-spoken words typically are in praise of Trump’s decisive, bold, courageous leadership. If the crisis weren’t so serious, the scene would be comedy material.

It’s time for the major television news networks to abide by their own professional standards and cease live broadcasts of Trump’s briefings.

He has less of an interest in keeping the public informed or helping beleaguered cities than in ensuring the spotlight stays on him. Aid dispensed must include praise and thanks to Trump. He erupts merely upon being questioned about his words not matching his deeds, or his words not matching the facts.

State governors who fail to properly acknowledge Trump’s decisive, bold, courageous leadership will risk being placed at the back of the line for federal assistance. Woe to the journalist who dares read back the president’s own words to him and ask for accountability.
