Media Claims Trump Could Use Virus To Become King

In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression:

Its tin foil hat time at MSNBC as Joy Reid argues that Donald Trump could use the Coronavirus crisis to make himself a monarch. Yes, that actually passes as a show topic at MSNBC.

The debate over whether to stop carrying Donald Trump’s Coronavirus briefings live heated up on MSNBC. On Wednesday, Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski and ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl fretted over the dilemma. Karl, the network’s chief White House correspondent, insisted there is a “legitimate debate” over carrying the virus updates live.

On CNN Wednesday there wasn’t much debate, as they dipped in and out of live coverage of President Trump’s press conference as they desired.

CBS News was the latest leftist media outlet to be caught in the act of delivering bad news packaging by showing video of an overflowing Italian hospital within a story about New York City Covid-19 cases.

In their efforts to present no coverage of the recent sexual assault allegations made against Joe Biden (remember Christine Blasey Ford coverage?),

David Adams

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