Donald Trump bails out: From ‘total authority’ to totally passing the buck

If there’s one thing the Trump era has prepared us for it’s how to deal with stress. Ever since November 2016 we’ve been running at high speed, with everything feeling out of control on a daily basis. So this pandemic, horrible as it is, is probably being experienced differently than it would have been if we’d had a normal government all this time. This year alone began with the president being impeached and tried in the Senate for abusing his power, for heaven’s sake. We came this close to war with Iran due to the president’s provocative actions. Now, just three months later, the world is turned upside down as we deal with an unprecedented public health crisis and the possibility of another Great Depression, all greatly exacerbated by the administration’s ineptitude.

It’s certainly inappropriate to thank Donald Trump for building our national resilience in the face of utter chaos, but it’s possible that all this nonstop dysfunction has built our character enough to withstand the utter horror of his response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’d better hope so, because it’s not getting any better.

On Thursday, the administration rolled out its Big Plan to “reopen the economy,” a prospect Trump has been touting almost since the day a month ago that he finally agreed to issue the social distancing guidelines recommending that people stay home and avoid contact with others in hopes of “flattening the curve.” Since his administration so grievously ignored the initial response to the threat and ended up bringing the country to its knees, you might have thought they’d have learned their lesson and at least worked to put in place a workable plan to raise it back up.


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