Man Freed Under ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law After Shooting Cops He Thought Were Kidnappers

(TFTP) — We have reported on multiple instances in which police officers invade a home and are shot in the process. Thousands of these no-knock raids take place across the country every single year, most of which are over alleged possession of substances deemed illegal by the state. But what happens when people defend their homes against these home invasions? Well, as the following case illustrates, sometimes justice can be served.

In 2015, John DeRossett, 60, was arrested for trying to kill three Brevard County sheriff’s deputies. However, after a long legal battle, this former security guard has been freed under Florida’s “stand your ground law.”

DeRossett’s case is a rare one as he was not acquitted. The ruling this week means there should have never been an arrest in the first place.

“The appellate decision is better than a jury acquittal. An acquittal only means ‘not guilty.’ This order means that John is innocent, that his actions were justified, and that he never should have been arrested in the first place. It’s a total vindication,” said DeRossett’s Orlando-based attorney, Michael Panella.

” . . . Great, great. Thank God. Thank Jesus. Thank everybody, thank you. You just don’t know, how it feels, you know? I’m trying to hold the tears back,” DeRossett said in a statement issued to FLORIDA TODAY.

Naturally, the idea of letting a man free for shooting a cop didn’t resonate well in the law enforcement community. The state attorney’s office issued a statement disagreeing with the decision to free DeRossett.


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