GA Voters Rejecting GOP’s Awesome Platform Of Insider Trading And Spreading COVID-19. Weird!

Georgia’s incompetent fake governor, Brian Kemp, and insider-trading Disney villain senator, Kelly Loeffler, are in rough shape politically. The GOP-friendly polling and research firm Cygnal surveyed voters from April 25 to 27, and the results will have you basking in the afterglow.

Just 43 percent of voters approve of Kemp’s shoddy performance in the role that should’ve gone to Stacey Abrams. She’d have won an Oscar by now, but Kemp will have to settle for a Razzie. Most voters in the important “want to remain alive” demographic disapprove of how Kemp’s handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

GEORGIA polling, commissioned for Georgia GOP (Cygnal):


Trump 49/49
Kemp 43/52
Collins 32/22
Loeffler 20/47 (!!)

Kemp holds the worst numbers of any governors the country. And Loeffler’s numbers are simply abysmal…

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