Extract from: Judas the Galilean: The Flesh and Blood Jesus
(What Lies Paul Told)
…The shift in Paul’s later career to 58-62 AD (Acts) from 62-66 AD (Josephus) has tremendous implications. If Paul attacked the Jewish Christians after his so-called conversion, then all good attributed to him must be seriously questioned. In Josephus, Saul attacked those weaker than himself shortly after the stoning of James. This corresponds perfectly with Acts 7 and 8 concerning the stoning of Stephen. This Acts’ version combines the later actions of Saul (62-64 AD) with a passage from Galatians:
13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.
14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. Galatians 1:13-14 NIV [Daniel T. Unterbrink (2004), Judas the Galilean: The Flesh and Blood Jesus, p.238, iUniverse, Inc. New York, Lincoln, Shanghai] The bkt ( ) and emphases highlighted are mine.
On the question of verse 13, some noted ancients say he was from Gischala, north Galilee, whose parents were Pagan. According to St. Jerome (347-420), there was a tradition among Christians in the Holy Land that Paul’s parents were immigrants to Tarsus from the Judean city of Gischala: “They say that the parents of the apostle Paul were from Gischala, a region of Judea and that when the whole province was devastated by the hand of Rome and the Jews scattered throughout the world, they were moved to Tarsus a town of Cilicia; the boy Paul inherited the lot of his parents.” (St. Jerome, Commentary on Philemon, vs 23-24).
However, Jerome was incorrect on his geography as Gishala is in the north of the province of Galilee (the defunct kingdom of Israel since 721 BCE) and not Judaea as both kingdoms of Israel and Judah were extinct at the time mentioned.
Jerome also repeats essentially the same thing in his work, Famous Men, which contradicts Paul’s own statement: “Paul, an apostle, previously called Saul, was not one of the Twelve Apostles. He was of the tribe of Benjamin and of the town of Gischala in Judea. When the town was captured by the Romans, he migrated with his parents to Tarsus in Cilicia.”
Historically, anyone living in what was once the ancient kingdom of Israel (931 BCE to 721 BCE) after 721 BCE and Pagan settlers were forcibly resettled from the Assyrian empire to repopulate the once land of the Jews. The same thing happened in 599 BCE when the kingdom of Judah was conquered and its people dispersed to Babylon. Again the land of Judah was resettled by foreigners. In 586 BCE the last Davidic bloodline, King Zedekiah died in captivity and the remaining two tribes Benjamin and Judah went extinct. Not only that, in 840 BCE, Queen Athaliah (reigned (840-36 BCE)) murdered all the royal heirs of David except the infant Joash aka Jehoash. See 2 Kings 11; 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:21
So how could Saul alias Paul know he was from the tribe of Benjamin when the area that once encompassed the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah had been resettled by foreigners from 721 BCE and 583 BCE respectively. With the last of the Jewish Diaspora to Babylon ending in 583 BCE. We know from 384 BCE when a trickle of Jew returned from exile (all were born in captivity in Babylon) led by Ezra the Scribe and found Jerusalem a city full of Pagan. Ezra found that nobody, even the children did not speak Hebrew or worship the Jewish G-d.
Apparently, Ezra had not been told that the land of the Israelites had been resettled by foreign Pagans. Such as Paul’s ancestors. One need not go into the Roman diaspora of 66-136 CE as it is irrelevant as it did not affect whatever bloodline Jesus had.
On the question of verse 14, Paul according to ancient sources could not be of the Jewish faith, his father could not have been a Pharisee and he could not have been a Sanhedrin as he makes out to be! When he states “I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own,” (Galatians 1:14). Also, see
Paul’s actions within his epistles and Acts of Paul are anti-Semitic, especially on Jewish traditions such as circumcision. Not forgetting that the Jerusalem Jews hated him (Paul was “the enemy” (ho echthros) and he believed he was always in constant danger, only the Roman guards saved him. All that we know of Paul—is from Paul himself. A known boaster, liar, accomplice to murder, thief, a false apostle (pseudapostolos) (Acts 1:21), and magician* who alias was Simon Magus (Simon qui et Paulus).
Even Paul is not immune to the charge of being a Magician.
Mention the name Magician and Paul’s name keeps cropping up, as he proclaims to be a Pharisee (Acts 23:6), and he tells us that he voted (Acts 26:10-10; Acts 22:20) with the Sanhedrin as well as taking his orders from the Council to catch Christians. Christians who in Paul’s time were referred to as μάγοι (magos) Magicians. See Acts 19:11-20 as well as the link below!
Why Paul and his father could not have been Pharisees or even
Member of the Sanhedrin
…None are to be appointed members of the Sanhedrin, but men of stature, wisdom, good appearance, mature age, with knowledge of sorcery, and who are conversant with all seventy languages of mankind, in order that the court should have no need of an interpreter…[Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin Folio 17a]
What we know of his stature is that he was small hence the name Paul, he is reported to be referred to as homo tricubitalis (three cubits in height (4′-6″). I cannot say anything on Paul’s wisdom as he believed he has none: “God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong,” 1 Corinthians 2:27.
On good appearance, Paul loses out, as he is said to be bald, bowlegged, huge crook nose with eyebrows that met and not forgetting his short height.
On mature age, Paul has already said he was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age! Galatians 1:13, so he was too young to be s member of the Sanhedrin.
On knowledge of sorcery was the only thing in his favour!
Paul Probably new Greek, whether he was fully conversant with Aramaic is debatable as the people that came to resettle the ancient Jewish kingdom of Isreal after 721 BCE, came from the four corners of the Assyrian empire. Paul himself does not state that he was fluent in all the world languages.
The Sanhedrin was made up of equal split of Sudasees and Pharisees, however, there were times when the Sudasees had the majority, and vice versa.
What do you say?
Keep safe!
Jero Jones
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