Contrasting Creation Stories in Genesis.

Contrasting Creation Stories in Genesis. As a child, I was captivated by the creation story told…

 “The Steal”?

 “The Steal”? Trump himself, his family as well as his supporters, the religionists, Christian Nationalists, including…

The persecuted turned persecutors, and a precise history unknown of the early Pilgrims in the New World!

The persecuted turned persecutors, and a precise history unknown of the early Pilgrims in the New…

Is God behind the American religion in favour of Guns!

Is God behind the American religion in favour of Guns! One would think that the Christian god…

Report Finds Just Giving In And Going To Church Would Solve All Your Problems

Making the case that the time had come to abandon your godless life of unbelief, a…

Does God protect Rapists, Felons, and Liars?

Does God protect Rapists, Felons, and Liars? Franklin Graham: ‘It was God alone who prevented the…

On a lighter note, did an alien race bring religion to the world?

On a lighter note, did an alien race bring religion to the world? There is a…

James, was the Prince of the Apostles, not Peter—RCC evidence, has Peter buried in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives?

James, was the Prince of the Apostles, not Peter—RCC evidence, has Peter buried in Jerusalem on…

Biblical Math

Recently, I saw this post by author AJ Jacobs on Facebook in relation to Oklahoma requiring…

Ancient and oldest world religions.

Ancient and oldest world religions. Have you ever wondered or seen a list of the oldest…

A Rebuttal!

A Rebuttal! “The Catholic (Universal) Church was founded in 33AD, the moment that Jesus gave St.…

Christianity Today Usurped the Title from Another Christian Sect!

Christianity Today Usurped the Title from Another Christian Sect! The Christianity we see to day, is…