Retired police captain shot to death at St. Louis pawn shop in slaying caught on Facebook Live

ST. LOUIS — A retired police captain was shot to death by looters at a St. Louis pawn shop early Tuesday and his killing apparently was broadcast on Facebook Live.

David Dorn, 77, was shot in the torso about 2:30 a.m. He died on the sidewalk in front of the shop, Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry, at 4123 Martin Luther King Drive.

Police have made no arrests and said they have no suspects.

The Ethical Society of Police, which represents black officers in St. Louis, mourned Dorn as “the type of brother that would’ve given his life to save them if he had to…”

Dorn’s wife, Ann Marie Dorn, said her husband was a friend of the pawn shop’s owner and worked for him. He would show up at the shop when burglar alarms sounded to check on the building, she said. She was too distraught to talk more about her husband.


Article URL : ST. LOUIS — A retired police captain was shot to death by looters at a St. Louis pawn shop early Tuesday and his killing apparently was broadcast on Facebook Live. David Dorn, 77, was shot in the torso about 2:30 a.m. He died on the sidewalk in front of the shop, Lee's Pawn & Jewelry, at 4123 Martin Luther King Drive. David Dorn David Dorn, in a 2008 photo when Dorn became police chief of Moline Acres. Photo by Scott Bandle, Suburban Journals, via St. Louis Post-Dispatch Police have made no arrests and said they have no suspects. The Ethical Society of Police, which represents black officers in St. Louis, mourned Dorn as "the type of brother that would've given his life to save them if he had to." Flowers and a teddy bear sat outside the shop next to a handwritten sign that read, "Y'all killed a black man because 'they' killed a black man??? Rest in peace."