Repubicans speaking at Democrat Convention … we’re witnessing a new beginning

R&I – FS

I’ve seen 15 presidential election cycles where I’ve understood what was going on which goes back to 1960.  I can honestly say I’ve never seen this much bipartisan effort on behalf of any candidate from either party.

Guys let’s look well beyond right vs. left and all the crazy politics.  We’re truly living very historic moments where we’re seeing a coming together of the people and it’s not being centrally lead like it normally is.  Let’s use this as our starting point to put away our petty squabbles and work together for the common good of All.

We all know we’re facing unprecedented times in our history.  Corona has taken over 170,000 Souls with more to follow, our economy is faltering with millions laid off, we’re trying to reopen and get our Children back in school safely and we actually have heavily armed men walking our streets with military grade weapons.  And of course there’s hostile foreign governments trying to interfere in our elections for both sides and fringe based politics continue to polarize us even though the vast majority of us reject all that.  It’s like dang what’s next???  We’re sure to find out.

No matter what’s going on everyone keep your faith up.  As the old saying goes “It’s always darkest before dawn” and our coming together for the common good of All tells us we’re nearing the end of this endless night few want any part of.  We’re getting there little by little but we most assuredly are by working together.

Equally no matter what your political or social ideology is be sure to vote because this single act is cornerstone for our very democracy.  It’s one of our greatest strengths not to be taken lightly.  Never forget Thousands of our Fellow Americans have paid the Ultimate Sacrific in combat during war and peaceful protests here at home so we can all exercise this fundamental right.  So vote and be counted for whatever truths you hold true.

Let’s be good with each other because working together has always been our greatest strength.  We’re America.  We got this.

Bugs Marlowe